Are you thinking about Unifieds 2018 yet?
For those who are new to this, the National Unified Auditions are an opportunity to knock out your auditions and/or interviews for several theatre programs in the same place, over a couple of days. Over 30 colleges, universities, certificate programs, and more take over one location to see as many prospective students as they can fit into the time they have available.
These programs send representatives to multiple cities to hold these auditions and interviews, and hundreds of students attend in order to complete their applications for several of the schools on their lists.
It is insane. It is frantic. And it is SO MUCH FUN.
The energy is unlike anything else. Hundreds of high school theatre students coursing through the halls of one place – a historic hotel or studio facility – bubbling with excitement for their art form and their future, combined with the nervous energy of audition jitters or the high from completely nailing an interview. The parents, trailing behind their human-firework of a teen, clutching a cup of coffee and reminding the kid to eat, all while trying not to think about the soon-to-be-empty bed at home.
Monologues are rehearsed at walls.
Movement clothes are hastily donned on the way to a dance call.
Mom drinks more coffee and wishes it was wine.
You can learn more about Unifieds in my book, but for the sake of pure logistics, here’s what you need to know:
The three cities you can choose from to attend the 2018 National Unified Auditions are New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Chicago tends to be the busiest of the three, with NYC a close second, and LA feeling relatively calm in comparison. Not all schools will attend all three, so be sure to check with the individual programs before making your travel plans.
The dates for the 2018 National Unified Auditions are:

New York: January 20-21, 2018
Chicago: February 5-8, 2018
Los Angeles; February 10-11, 2018
Most of the New York Unifieds are traditionally held in Pearl Studios and Ripley-Grier, two large rehearsal facilities, but as the Unifieds have grown and more schools participate, they have branched into other nearby spaces as well.
Chicago Unifieds are largely held at the Palmer House Hilton, a historic hotel in the heart of downtown Chicago’s theatre district. Like New York, other hotels are also used as space is needed.
The LA Unified Auditions are usually at the Westin hotel, but some schools can be found in nearby hotels.
I know it’s only July right now, but the 2018 Unifieds will be upon us before you know it. Check the websites or call the offices of the schools on your list to see if they are attending, and where.
Have a specific question about the National Unified Auditions not covered here or in my book? Drop a comment or submit it here!